Saturday, December 31, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005

here is a classic high school picture of the comet rowdies. see if you can spot me getting a little wild! well i can finally say that i am done with rose bowl tickets and all of my college football bowls. in all i sold around 50 thousand dollars of tickets in about 1 month. woooo boy that is a lot!!!! i do have to admit i probably lost about 2k on rose bowl but it could have been a lot worse. now i am still waiting on paypal to get my account back and my brother account also got frozen. man oh man i just want to burn paypal's facility down to the ground :) just kidding.? wednessday was a very good day i was able to go into town and i got a pretty sick tie and pants but my quads were to big for the pants so i have to return them. i also went on a long bike ride. the weather was around the mid 40's and raining but i didnt care. i needed to get out of the house and get my mond off of soe things. man i luved it. there is nothing like just riding places and looking at the amazing scenery outside. you cant beat the advantages of relieving stress and i get a good workout! i had a great night at church. i was able to talk to one of my old friends from church and it was a blessing to hear from him. well as i look at the rest of the week i think i am just going to relax and read some of my books. today is upper body day yahhhhhhhh. on friday i will be hosting a basketball touney at gym for a bunch of guys so that should be fun. i cant beleive that college is almost approaching. that reminds me that i got my report card yesterday and well all i am going to say that i need to work harder and dominate next semester!!!! hey everyone have a splendid and safe day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh :))))))))))) the big j
Sunday, December 25, 2005

here is a picture of the Christmas card that i made my familly this year. i know i should go into the card making business!:) well what a Christmas day! as a familly we went to a nursing home to help out with a church service. that was really fun to see the elderly people as they were so happy that we would come to see them. man i felt so bad for some of them becuase they had no familly to spend Christmas with. after that we went to church and had a great service. then we went home to open presents! i must have been i pretty good boy ( i know that is hard to believe) becuase i got some pretty nifty gifts. we had an evening service we went which was really great then to finish the day we went to our grandma's house to visit with familly. i played poker and got smooooookkkkkked!!!!! wut a day so i now need to relax nahhh never mind i am pumped up becuase i get to workout out tomorow baby!!!!!!!! lata everyone and i want to wish everyone a merry ramadan!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jwv
Saturday, December 24, 2005

wooo boy as i write this post on a foggy christmas eve i realize ahhhhhhhh its christmas eve!!!!!!!!!:) well i had amazing day working on he bus route. it has been a year since i have worked on a bus route. i started the day knowing none of the riders and i went home knowing and talking to all 21 riders. did i tell u yet that i luved it well i am going to tell u again it was epic! there is just something about bus kids that makes me just sit and smile as i am just looking at them and most of them come from rough houses it just humbles me and makes me realize that those kids need some loving and the love i give them on the bus might just be the only love hey recieve during the week. ok i am done with my emotional post:) after the bus route i went home to sleep 3 hours. i am currently watching my colts dominating the seahawks gooooooo colts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well come back to the ole corner on christmas i might have surpise for uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu????!?:) ahhhhhhhh squish. santa voorhis
Thursday, December 22, 2005

ohh boy look at that babe in the glasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahh man what a day on thursday. just another rightous day. i did numerous business errands than my brothers and i went to workout. i have recovered from my cold mostly so i had a better workout today. i am pretty puped up about next semester because i want to get super ripped by the summer!!!! i super weak right now lol. after the workout me and my brothers went to the mall just to chill out. i got to see santa so that made my day. santa was very cute!!!!!! i then went to my grandma's house to spend the night with her becuase she had surgery today and she needed somebody to be with her. well i cant believe that Christmas is in 3 days!!!! have a sweaty day everyone$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@%%%^&^&^&&^

ahhh look here is my dog named yeller. he died about 6 years ago. well i had a very very good day on wednessday! nothing really to exciting but hey thats how i like it. i just reached a pinacle of 500 posotive feedbacks on ebay!!!!!! i am completely sold out of sugar bowl tickets and fiesta bowl tix. now all i need to ship are rose bowl tix. i cant beleive how much i made on fiesta bowl. i could buy a new car if i wanted to (but i cant its all going for college!!) i had a very good workout and then i raced home to get ready for church. we had a special christmas party at church so that was nice. after church i got to felowship with people i havent talked to in a while. i am soooo pumped up about working on a new bus route this saturday. i cant wait!!!!!! ahh man i really miss my kids in awana back in wisconsin. santa even arrived a little early at my house today!!!!:) santa also wrapped it in the best wrapping paper ever:))) well its time to go to bed and let me recomend a movie for everyone hotel rawanda. it is a very good true story that will open your eyes and remind us all how good we have it. have a greater!!!!!! voorhis
Monday, December 19, 2005

here is the ugliest white trash ever. i am a disgrace to this weight room. well i had a very long and pretty nifty day. i spet most of the day doing business errands. i went in to town to ship tickets. other than that i had a pretty boring day. the highlight of the day was when both of my brothers and me went to go work out together! i dunno i feel really weird it is tough to explain becuase a certain situation has come up with me and someone at my church and i dont really know what to do. i dont even know why i am bringing it up but i guess i will shut up now so have a greater everyone!!! jwv
Sunday, December 18, 2005

well here i am getting ready to be a prophet for our lie nativity display at church. over 1200 people came this year to the drive thru of the nativity scene. i had a blast doing it. today at church was awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got to see some of my high school friends at church. well the colts finslly lost a game ahhh shucks. hey they still will win the super bowl! man i am sure using my stress ball lately. monday looks like a very promising day. i cant wait baby!!!!! its time to go to bed!!!!!!!! lata jwv
Saturday, December 17, 2005

here is a picture of just some of my tickets. wooo boy i am staying busy and a little streesed doing this. my credit card processor paypal froze my acccount up so i have a very large sum of money that i cant touch and i am supposed to use that to buy my inventory to the rose bowl. so i will be sweating it out this next week. but u know its all good. i can learn how to make a plan on how to get out of this situation. but when i feel stressed out i know that everything willl be ok!!!!!!!!!!!! oh baby its just money right?????? :) i cant wait for church tomorow. i didnt really do much today i went to my grandma's house to check on her. i might go to our church's live nativity display. well what a day and man God is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have an sacred day Johny Willy Vorry
Friday, December 16, 2005

i dedicate this post to captain will my adopted son and my friend. what a guy!!! well i had a good trip coming home. i rode with vickie heidi and sam to frankfort illinoise and then my dad picked me up from there. then i had a nice 3 hour drive home with my legendary dad!! i slept in until about 9:30. so that was good. i am really busy now becuase i have to ship out about 150 tickets to bowl games and nascar races. that will keep me busy for about a week. i will not be working at walmart this christmas so i can spend most of my time working on my business and hanging out with my amazing familly! i cant wait to get involved with my church during this break. i havent worked out in like a week so later on today i will get to go to my high school gym to try to get ripped. well i hope and pray that everyone at college are coming home safely. i am out and dont forget to check out the ole big j corner during break i will update it with nifty things that i did over break. lata ahhhhh jwv
Sunday, December 11, 2005

Here is the group shot that we took after church tonight. Well I had an amazing day at church! It was sad though because this was my last service here for a month, but I got a hug from practically the whole church so that helped me cope with the emotional trauma.:) in the morning service we sung a special 3 song Christmas special that went really well! After the morning service the church took us out to a very nice itallian restaurant for lunch. That really meant a lot to me. I am so glad that I have a great extension church that feels more like my home church now. As we drove home for the last time together because will is going to Pensacola next semester we reminisced on past memories of this semester. Oh boy I am going to miss that kid! Well what a night now I have final exams to study for so have a greater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Johny William Voorhis
Saturday, December 10, 2005

this is my pc pete getting ready for his date to the play on saturday night! man just look at him he is a stud. well i had a great friday and especially a great friday night. samatha and i talked for a couple of hours and then we went over to Dr J's (the president of our college) house and talked to him for about an hour. after that was when the excitement began!!! we went to a late night skate and trust me it was a late night skate we got done at 2 am! i am like the worst skater ever! no joke:) i wasnt really looking forward to going but it turned out really well becuase i was able to be with samantha even though she was probably embarased of me always falling:) as i write this my back side is still a little sore from falling so many times:) on saturday i just slept and then after that i slept some more. i am really busy with my business. it looks like i will probably have sales in this years fiscal year of over 100k! tomorow is our last sunday at wapaun this semester. man i am going to miss those kids and church members. i am still debating if i am going to work this break but i dont know. i might just not work and get renergized and get really involved at my home church! i am off to do some home work everyone have a greater and be safe!!!!!! johny v
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

here is a picture of me and jaden in the nursery. wooooo boy is it cold here in watertown!!!!!!!! i had really slow day at school today. i just woke up from an extended nap. i am now getting prepared to do my speech. i am doing my speech in steroids use in athletics. i am starting to get really busy in my ebay business now. i have about 90 tickets to 3 bowl games and they are sellling really good. i also have a lot of daytona 500 tickets and vegas nascar tickets to sell. so i will be staying pretty busy with that. i am sooo rady for this semester to be over with!!!!!!!!!!!! school makes me very angry:) ahhhh welll i guess it aint that bad. well i am off to do some homework. see yah!!!!!!!!!!!!! john voorhis
Monday, December 05, 2005

wooo boy it snowed a lot 2 days ago. it is very cold now in watertown!!!!!!! i had a really great weekend. i went to an amazing play on friday night with sam graham!! we ate at a pretty cool chinese resturaunt that had a sweet pool table. the place was packed so we had to wait like an hour to get in ;) i got to meet sam's mom susan and her sister chalane (sorry if i mispelled the name). on saturday i was privaleged to watch some sweet basketball action. sams's sister dominated but the team fell short. after the game we went to another play and it just blew me away literally. i had a very good day on sunday at church. we had an afternoon service than we were able to put up the christmas tree in the tree, along with christmas decorations. have a blessed day!!!!!!!jwv