here is a picture of just some of my tickets. wooo boy i am staying busy and a little streesed doing this. my credit card processor paypal froze my acccount up so i have a very large sum of money that i cant touch and i am supposed to use that to buy my inventory to the rose bowl. so i will be sweating it out this next week. but u know its all good. i can learn how to make a plan on how to get out of this situation. but when i feel stressed out i know that everything willl be ok!!!!!!!!!!!! oh baby its just money right?????? :) i cant wait for church tomorow. i didnt really do much today i went to my grandma's house to check on her. i might go to our church's live nativity display. well what a day and man God is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have an sacred day Johny Willy Vorry
you better keep that ebay power seller reputation up...
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