
Sunday, August 28, 2005

well i had a great sunday at church today. tonight i went to a crazy pizza party. it was a blast not:) after that i went with some friends to party around watertown. i got some pretty cool new clothes at wal-mart baby! well we have one more 2 a day on monday. we also have fall revivals tomorow. lata

this is matt mcglaklin and he is a legend enough said.

this is paul shotz and he is a chic magnet at school. he doesnt like me hanging around him becuase i hurt his reputation.

mr dan pine, he also has huge quads. he plays basketball what a wimp.

this is sandry. he is a beast of a football player. he is the middle line backer. plain and simple he is just a beast.

this is pete rew my pc in my room. he has enormous calf muscles.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

here is a classic picture in my archives from about 4 years ago. i am working a a corn field with some of my migrant worker friends. well it has been a while since i updated so here is the scoop. i am starting on the football team at right guard on offense. yes that is right i will be an offense lineman, but i am really liking that position. the coach said i will play defense too so i will hopefully will be able to do my bow an arrow sack celebration dance. i am enjoying football alot. its great to be around the guys of the team. i was so bored last year just going to school and woring out. last night which was a friday i went to see watertown's public school play, and they are decent, but for being the biggest class size they are horible. today we have a scrimmage aginst the defense! i am pumped baby!!!!! all of the freshman and pc's have arrived so the campus is rocking baby! well i have to get a nap in. have a greater

Sunday, August 21, 2005

here is my dorm supervisor, look at that finger. sorry ladies he is currently dating a super model girl. sunday was great i heard 2 really good sermons at calvery. i slept a lot and am resting for practice on monday.

this is my roomate he is super ripped, and is single ladies

Saturday, August 20, 2005

here is a vintage picture i found man i am pretty ripped :) well day 3 was really easy and good. compared to high school so far these 2 a days are really easy. i still dont know if i will be playing o line or d end. we will be having a a flying offense attack baby, so make sure you come up to crusader country to check us out. i ate a lot of food today trying to gain some weight and it is working i have gained 2 pounds since college. well we have no practise on sunday!!!!! i will be heading to calvery in watertown for church so that will be nifty. well i am off to a football campfire! i will make sure to sing them a couple of indian songs i know like aka muda aka muda. lata

Friday, August 19, 2005

the new conference room it has some pretty weird chairs. well day 2 of 2 a days went pretty good. my 40 speed was a disgrace, but i have terrible form so who cares. you dont play football just with 40 speeds. the practise went really well. there is a good possibility that i might play o line and maybe some d line also. we are a very small team but we are athletic and we are a team with a bunch of good guys. the food was excellent in the new dining hall. i am getting my 50 dollars worth that is for sure. i lost 25 pounds this summer so i am trying to gain it back. i look like a tooth pick. well have a greater

outside of the college what a day!!!!

here are the new restrooms in the new building arent they lovely :)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Well day 1 of football was pretty good. My head really hurts because of the helmet but its all good. All of the coaches were shocked to see me with 25 pounds less than I was last year. I weighed myself and I am officially 212. we did some plios. I am horrible at those but who cares. I really don’t feel like playing, but I just need to get motivated I think once I get the pads on I will be alright. Well I have to get to bed see yah I am running my 40 tomorrow so hopefully it is under an hour J. lata


Well I waited to the very last minute to pack. I didn’t feel like packing last night so I woke up an hour early and packed. We are currently on the road as I write this. Man I have too much clothes. I will start football tonight. I am starting to get pumped,  but mostly to see my old college buds. Well I hope I didn’t forget anything. lata

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

this is a picture of the gang after we arrived safely back to my house. well what a 2 days of great times. on tuesday we slept in at our hotel which by the way was a horible 3 star hotel. a maid even walked in on us while we were sleepin and the wakeup call came an hour and a half to early. we chilled in the pool for about 3 minutes. the hotel advertised a spa but guess what there was no spa. so i guess what i am trying to say is that we werent to impressed with the ole ramada. after we checked out of our suite we went to downtown cincinnati. we ate a skyline chili downtown right by the reds ballpark. skyline had some scrumptious food and the chili they gave was so huge ( not really it was like in a 1 decameter bowl) and our waitress gave us all bibs to where. after we ate we kept are bibs on and toured downtown. we ended up at the bengals nfl stadium. this is a new stadium so when we walked in it looked really cool. jr and i got to go to the first row on the 50 yardline and the view from there was mind boggling. after that we sprinted back to the metro and headed home! but we got lost and went to kentucky i think 3 times, but eventually we found the right road. all in all we had an epic 2 day mini roadie. i was ready to get back though becuase i will be heading to college in 2 days. to be honest i really dont want to go to college now. but who cares. well have a supe duper grandpa day!!!!!!

zach and nick swimming at our 5 star hotel lol

we are at the ciny bengals stadium. the stadium is awsome!

this is after we ate at skyline. they gave us some pretty cool bibs.

eating at skyline chili

Monday, August 15, 2005

a picture i took from the top of the drop zone ride!!!! what a day at kings island. we are at our hotel now so we will sleep in. by the way i won another game of poker everybody is all jellouse. we are going to just hang out in ciny on tuesday. have a greater

getting the goods for the roadie and fillen up the roadie car " the Metro"

Here we are with Arnold, he is looking naughty. Well this is the first time I (Ben) have been with a tv star. He seemed excited about taking a picture with 5 cute guys. I know John is looking excited and that makes Arnold excited. Well this moment was just what the gang needed to get us anxious about Kings Island.

well here we are at walmart near kings island to start off the trip, which sure isnt aldis but it worked. we got the cheapest tuna, peanut butter, goldfish, and granola bar lunch possible. LATA

another pic

this was the first service in my church's new auditorium. it has been 4 years but the wait has been worth it. the new building is very nifty. i am off to kings island!!!!!!!

this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, August 13, 2005

my dad getting ready for the indoor go carts. ok i enables the comment feature so feel free to add any comments on any of my post but i do ask one huge favor keep every thing clean that means g rated thank you

my aunt vicki, stephen my brother, ben, and my grandma

the family is getting ready for picture taking

here is me hitch hiking a lot of cars stopped not!!!! lol

here is ben hitch hiking

i am discussing the yield og gluten wheat, but i nearly lost my whole farm by buying beef cows instead of dairy cows. i thought i could milk the beef cows but it not work!!!

my cousin ben at wanna cup talking about the high yields of his soy beans!!! good thing that ben has dairy cows or he would be living in a cardboard box! lol

go carting in goshen i was naughty becuase i did not follow this sign

Friday, August 12, 2005

we r in amish country!!!!!!!! its pretty cool actually

day 1 at shipshewana well it has been pretty boring in a city f just barns and amish, but hey its kool just to chill and relax. i got to see alot of the family i havent seen in a while. well on saturday we have a pretty nifty day scheduled so i will post some pics tomorow. have a greater!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I posted a link to the 2005 mbbc football schedule so take a look and plan a trip to watch the best football on the planet!!!!!!!! J


I got my philly eagles lower level season tix in 2 days ago!!!!!!!! i am done with working at wal-mart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! church was great tonight. i am soo pumped about going to college. i have set many goals that hopefully i will accomplish this year. my ebay business is doing a lot better than expected. i cant fathom how good God has been by blessing me with all of this money!! trust me i do not derserve it. well i cant wait until the voorhis family retreat this weekend. i will post pics on sunday everyone have a very very and i mean very good day!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Well hello everybody.

Alright I will give you a recap of the pretty crazy weekend. Ben Mack and his brother came down to spend the night Saturday. I went to work that night and after that we headed up to the speedway baby. We saw where we would park and then asked a cop if she knew of any Baptist churches nearby and as we say that a church van passed by from a missionary Baptist church. I was like ohhh yahhhh!!!!!!! So we went to this church we were the only white people there but they gave us some love.. I even got to talk during the Sunday school lessonJ. After church we headed for the track!!! We parked about 30 min away from the track so it took a awhile. We got there plenty early and in my opinion too early but its all good. Ben and brother got to do some shopping at the track while I soaked up the sun and I mean litteraly soaked up the sun. man there is nothing like having about 250k fans in one place it was krazyyyyyyyy!! Ok the start of the race was the best. That first lap of the race soo intesnse. The race was pretty cool for about 50 laps until the cautions came out then it went down hill from there. You see at indy the track is so big that no matter where you sit you cant see the whole track. So I was getting pretty bored half way through the race and I was frying. I looked like a tomatoe. So I left the race about half way through and walked to the car and went to white castle to chill in the acJ. After the race we didn’t have too much of a hard time getting home. I was up for a straight 24 hours so I was pretty tired and glad to get home. I had Sunday night off from work so I hibernated that night. I recorded some audio of the race so make sure you listen to it its kinda funny. Well all in all I am really glad I went but I will never go back to indy again. I will stick to a real sport like watching football and basketball J!!!! Well have a greater

at white castle

tony stewart

me at the race :)

Jeff Gordon

at the race

at white castle

the church we went to in the morning we went to an all african american church and they sure did bring the funk!!!!!!!!

dale jr

Here are pictures of this past weekend at the Brickyard!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, August 06, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Friday, August 05, 2005

well what a day!!! only 2 more days until i head to my first nascar race! today i spent my day off just relaxing. i went shopping then had a great workout. some friends came over and we played cards for about 6 hours!!! i only have 1 more week of work left yee hawww!!!! i will be taking a rodie to cincy to kings island instead of cedar point the 15-16 of august!!! i will have pics and audio of me at the brickyard baby!!! so come back on sunday lata lata


