here is a high school picture of me being crazy and wild at a basketball game if u look closely i am the guy with the gray cutt off shirt. and yes we were very crazy. u know what i mean:) going to school today felt a but weird. i dunno it was like i was just going through the motions. business communications is making me very angry. sometimes the teacher just goes on about something that makes no sense. shoot dog!!!!!!!! practise was boring but hey i got to lift so that was good. we watched the film of our game and bamb cream cheese i played like bat quano. i keep ripping my chin open becuase i am a scrawny little stick out there amongst men. at least i get to grow facial hair now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tonight was a very productive night in the library. tomorow i am supposed to coach powder-puff football with the girls. i remember when i coached in high school my girls dominated. well its time for me to sing some hyms so i am out!!!!!!! every one have a merry kwanza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! johny v