here i am outside aboutto jump into the water. what a day at church!! we had 6 baptisms and 8 new members join. after the moring service we went to the nursing home and that was a blast. i blew a couple of kisses at some old ladies and they loved it :) the evening service was great even though my cellphone went of like 7 times during a half hour span!!!!:) i have an enormous amount of homework to do so i better do it. rumor has it we arent playing trinity this week i hope we dont i am ready for ftball to be over. yes i am. ok what ever every one have a blessed and sacred and i mean sacred evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! johny v
hey ben wut is up. how about those boilers!!!!! Boiler up!!!!!! hey r u smelling roses or r u smelling...
so how is purdue treating u? how is your dorm with blake and danny? lol u better be getting ripped. hey i'll see yah during thanksgiving and then i will kill u in poker again :) see yah
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