Tomarrow is a big day in UMAC football. The annual Haloween rite of Marnatha football is upon us. DOME DAY. Now usaully playing in the metrodome is a neat experience. The empty stadium echoing with the screams of several hundred spread out diehard fans and standing on the same sideline as the nortorious party hardy Vikings. But this year is different. Due to the quirky UMAC schedueling committee we're playing the third place game at eight o clock in he morning. How do we end up playing before a team that has won 1, yes I did say 1 win in the last three seasons? Reguardless of the early game time, UM-Morris is going to have its hands full with John Voorhis. John will bring it any hour of the day. Morris is a solid team but the Crusader o-line should be able to make the difference in a sure to be tight game. In other news, the John Voorhis fan club will be out in full force tomorrow. Just look for all the cute girls wearing number 52 on their t-shirts. Rumor has it John will select on lucky club member at randomn for a fully chaproned night on the town. In closing I would like to thank the benevolent John Voorhis for letting me guest post on his blog. God Bless and Go Crusaders!
sign me up, baby!!!
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