here are the girls from maranatha that comes to wapaun with captain will, barup, and me. yesterday was a great day at church. we had a special speaker becuase our pastor and his family were out of town. the college guys did junior church and the kids had a blast oh man they were loud!!!:) today i had 2 tests today so that me very stressfull. i had a pretty good workout oh man i cant wait to workout full time. tonight and tomorow is missions conference. tonight was mr don sisk he preached a really good sermon. well i cant wait until dome day friday we leave as a team on thursday at 1pm. make sure you visit the big j corner i will be updating this crazy weekend frequently. i am off to do homework lata and have an amazing day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
those girls are amazing
you need some pictures of some of maranatha's girl nursing majors!
You are right i do need some pics of maranatha girls that are majoring in the easiest subject nursing. jk:). i really need some pics of some song leading majors. well thats another story.
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