Saturday, July 30, 2005

I found a picture of me with my parents on senior night!!!!! work is going really well. i only have 2 weeks left of work!!!!! my brother scott has a college graduation party today . we r grillin chicken baby!!!! i am getting faster on my running but still need to work on it. i keep losing weight so hopefully i can start gaining some more weight. have a greater!!!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Saturday, July 16, 2005

2005 here is a picture of the extension church we worked at during college at Wapaun Baptist. the guy we were posing with is charlie and man is he a legend. last night was a great day of work! i stayed pretty busy so the night went by quickly. i have only 3 and half weeks left of work. then i am off to the annual voorhis retreat in shipshewanna indiana. after that i will be heading up to cedar point or six flags to just relax before i head up to college. i am pumped about football. its been 3 years since i played in highschool and boy im i ready!! well i am off to go runnning at the track everyone do me a favor and have a nifty nifty yes yes day aight lata!!!!!
Friday, July 15, 2005

here is a pictue of john, a co worker at at wal-mart. he even wore my hat in this picture. well its been a while since i have posted becuase i finaly went to work!!! i competed my first full week of work. i ran last night and boy i felt good. i ran 3 miles and 14 sprints. i am gradually getting in the shape that i want for football. i love running on the track at 2 am because no one is there and it feels cooler with the wind. i am actually starting to like the long distance runs better than the sprints. today i just got back working out at a fitness club. my home weight room is shut down this week because of the fair. i decided not to go to the fair this year. its just not the same like it used to be. it is just boring. i am off tonight so i try go get everything done that needs to be. i spend most of the time working on how to improve my business. i went on a date lastnight with my mom to starbucks and we had a strawberry cream. man that was good. i highly recomend it!!!!! i have about one more month until i head back to college early for football. i cant wait! i am really excited about my classes and i cant beleive i am saying this but i am excited about learning!!!!!!!! well everyone have a groovy day
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Here is a picture of awana back my extension church at college. well i have finaly figured out how to post audio on my blog and i will take full advantage of that feature :). The first mp3 that i posted was a prank call i made during colege. i called my romemate dave's dad ( who is a member on the board at college) and made up one the dumbest stories ever.. i will finaly start work this saturday night!!!!!!!!! have a great night everyone! Lata
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

well tonight there was a reunion in the ole weight room. 3 of my old high school freinds were there and the general my football coah made a special appearence! after the monumental workout me and my friends went to play some tennis. i got smoked baby!!!! after that we went to another close high school freinds house to play some card game that i have never played before. the funny thing is that i won the second game. nobody thought that i could win a game that i really never knew how to play. to finish the crazy night we went to steak and shake and i got a mocha shake and boy was it grreeeeaaaatttt! oh yah i forgot after that we watched an old movoe we made my senior year it was called hoosiers 2. the movie was so stupid but soo funny. well what a night everyone have a greater and LATA