Well hello everybody.
Alright I will give you a recap of the pretty crazy weekend. Ben Mack and his brother came down to spend the night Saturday. I went to work that night and after that we headed up to the speedway baby. We saw where we would park and then asked a cop if she knew of any Baptist churches nearby and as we say that a church van passed by from a missionary Baptist church. I was like ohhh yahhhh!!!!!!! So we went to this church we were the only white people there but they gave us some love.. I even got to talk during the Sunday school lessonJ. After church we headed for the track!!! We parked about 30 min away from the track so it took a awhile. We got there plenty early and in my opinion too early but its all good. Ben and brother got to do some shopping at the track while I soaked up the sun and I mean litteraly soaked up the sun. man there is nothing like having about 250k fans in one place it was krazyyyyyyyy!! Ok the start of the race was the best. That first lap of the race soo intesnse. The race was pretty cool for about 50 laps until the cautions came out then it went down hill from there. You see at indy the track is so big that no matter where you sit you cant see the whole track. So I was getting pretty bored half way through the race and I was frying. I looked like a tomatoe. So I left the race about half way through and walked to the car and went to white castle to chill in the acJ. After the race we didn’t have too much of a hard time getting home. I was up for a straight 24 hours so I was pretty tired and glad to get home. I had Sunday night off from work so I hibernated that night. I recorded some audio of the race so make sure you listen to it its kinda funny. Well all in all I am really glad I went but I will never go back to indy again. I will stick to a real sport like watching football and basketball J!!!! Well have a greater
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