here is a classic picture in my archives from about 4 years ago. i am working a a corn field with some of my migrant worker friends. well it has been a while since i updated so here is the scoop. i am starting on the football team at right guard on offense. yes that is right i will be an offense lineman, but i am really liking that position. the coach said i will play defense too so i will hopefully will be able to do my bow an arrow sack celebration dance. i am enjoying football alot. its great to be around the guys of the team. i was so bored last year just going to school and woring out. last night which was a friday i went to see watertown's public school play, and they are decent, but for being the biggest class size they are horible. today we have a scrimmage aginst the defense! i am pumped baby!!!!! all of the freshman and pc's have arrived so the campus is rocking baby! well i have to get a nap in. have a greater