
Sunday, April 30, 2006

well i am finaly 21 years old and i want to dedicate my birthday to my highschool principple mr ronald matas isnt he a stud:)

Friday, April 28, 2006

again here are the girls at target riding a little horse. i think these girls weigh too much for the horse! :) well i had a great friday night we went out shoppiing and just messing around and then we ate some ice cream. well i only have 2 more finals!!!! i am tired so i am going to bed. lata jwv

well sam alicia and i spent friday night shopping in a nearby city here are the girls getting a little crazy with the matching !

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

uh oh pete and i are getting a little crazy

pete rew all i am going to say is calf muscle

roomate tim he is currently dating nicole richey

here is my roomate coal at mcdonalds man he is cute!

here we are at our last night at awana for the year!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

he was samantha in our awana she is a little peppy!!! :) we had a great night at awana last night! we had 7 yes 7 kids get saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a night! i gave the devotional for the little kids and it went decent. i wish i had more time to talk to them though. well ole sam graham :) is going to PA for her sister's wedding so i wont know what to do withmyself this weekend so i guess i will just study. everyone have an epic day! voorhis

here is roman in my awana he told me 2 verses last night

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

well on tuesday i went with the ethan allan society and i gave the devotional and was awsome!! i had only had one inmate but this kid was very smart. he really knows the Bible. I really beleive that God had great things for this kid named randy. well only 1 and half more weeks!!!!!!!!! see yah

here is ethan allan a boys correction facility

Sunday, April 16, 2006

well i had a great weekend! we had a nice dinner at an itialian resuraurant.we watched king kong and it was pretty bad movie! i mean come on a movie in which a girl falls in love with a huge monkey is just weird. i had a great Easter Sunday iat wapoun! we had 3 services this morning and than we were done. we had to sleep at the church saturday night. and boy was my back hurting when i woke up:) sunday afternoon i was able to check ou Samantha at her job for a while so the picture is her with her work attire on. well only two more weeks baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jwv

here the church is eating our brunch on Easter Sunday.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

what a week!!!!!! the weather has been just perfect this whole week! friday was a half day of school since it was good friday. only 2 more weeks left of school baby! i will be heading to my extension church on saturday becuase me and the rest of the college students will be atking out are pastor and his wife for dinner. than we will be spending the night at their house becuase we are haveing early services on sunday. tuesday i will be doing the devotional for the boys correctional institution so i am a little scared. i feel a lot better now oh boy i need to get back in shape :). well im going to the libraray now. have a greater. voorhis

Sunday, April 09, 2006

well here me and sam are this afternoon after i helped her study for her theology test. well i am feeling a little bit better so maybe monday i will be able to work out! I had a great day at church today and a great afternoon! well it is finally kind of warm outsite on monday it is supposed to be 70!! lata jv

Saturday, April 08, 2006

well here i am in pennslyvania with glasses on wooo boy dont i look hot!!!!!! well i had a pretty good week of school. i didnt do as good as i wanted on my accounting and doctrine test. we set a record for attendence wednessday at awana 30 kids!!!!!!!!!!! and we have some soul now. we have a new black kid come so that was awsomme!!! well i have been sick for the last 3 days but i feel like i am getting better. i wont be going to my extension tomorow but i will be able to go to calvery in watertown with Samantha! im going to get back to doing some home work so have a greater!! voorhis

Monday, April 03, 2006

well here i am with my very first ever buzz cut in about 15 years!!!!!! i hope sam likes it :) well i am off to bed! lata


