Well oh man what a week. i am actually going to post a regular post. school has been going decent and all. i am struggling with my algerbra class a lot but i am going to work my butt off so i can get at least a c. i got one of the higher grades in the class on my econ test! it is really cold up here in wisconsin. right now it is below zero!!!!!!!!! this sunday i am pumped up that i will be able to preach a mini sermon at my extension church. Oh man i havent posted much about awana but awana has been fantastic!!! we set a church record of 25!!!!!!! woooo weee that is a lot of kids. it is just sooo wonderful to see those kids. this past wednessday i was coming to church a little tired and down and the moment i walked in to the church and had about 5 kids jumping on me and i realized that these kids r sooooo precouse and all a sudden i about just lost it. i wont fully understand all my impact on these kids until i get to heaven. well i signed my contract and sent it in on thursday so i am ironwood bound this summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh i cant wait. this will be the best summer ever!! this weekend i will do mostly homework. my ankle is doing a little better but it still is aching a lot. i have been taking a lot of pain killers and i know i shouldnt becuase it makes me tired and a little out of it so i will be cutting back. i will be super busy with selling ncaa basketball tickets this month. i have been thinking a lot lately and i dunno sometimes i wish i could just leave maranatha and go home but i know this is the place God has for me. As i look back at being here at mbbc i can realize that yah God does want me here and i truly am blessed to go here. in chapel there was a sermon on how we shouldnt run away from our problems and this is dead right. I need to accept that mbbc is Gods will for me and be a leader on campus even though sometiimes i feel like i am in a bubble and i need some freedom. ok i am done with my little emotional post i soo pumped for this sunday to see my fellow church familly in waupon. everyone have a greater and remember that God is always good even through the trials !!!!!!!!!!!!! jwv
Well hey there Mr. Johny. I found your blogspot, and I see now just how many picures of Sammie you put up. Keep doing that, I miss her! Tell her that. Well, I guess that you will be coming to good 'ol PA in a month, Sammie and I will have to take you to the farmer's market to get some Amish softpretzels.
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